Telegram received from London dated October 28th, 1940. 1. Naval. The "Empress of Britian" was taken in tow yesterday but sank after an explo %sion early this morning. 2. Royal Air Force. Daylight October 27th. At dusk a Blenheim on patrol bombarded hangars at Cherbourg aerodrome and started fires. Night of October 27th/28th. Clouds and haze over targets again made location and observation of results difficult. Main attack directed against oil targets at Hamburg (Wilhelmsburg), where extensive fire resulted, 0stermoor (Kiel Canal), Synthetic oil plant at Gelsenkirchen, Braunkohlen Benzin synthetic oil plantar Magdeburg, oil plant at Hanover where small fire started, Deutsche Erdoel Coke-oven batteries at Gelsenkirchen, where explosion caused and Rhenania 0ssag oil refinery at Hamburg, fires resulting. Other targets attacked were marshalling yards at Krefeld, Mannheim, Hamm, 0snabruck, a large explosion being caused at Hamm and fires at 0snabruck; Skoda works at Plzen; naval base at Lorient, bursts being observed on docks, channel ports of 0stend where three fires started, Antwerp and Flushing; aerodromes in France and Holland. Two of our aircraft missing. 3. German Air Force . Night of October 26th/27th (further reports). In London area casualties so far reported are 57 killed and 160 injured. Those at Birmingham are now reported as 75 killed and 210 wounded. Daylight/ |