-2- Daylight of October 27th. During the day the enemy displayed considerable activity over the channel and a number of occasional aircraft penetrated a short distance inland. Five formations of about 50 aircraft each flew towards London and on three occasions small numbers penetrated to the London area. Towards five o'clock larger formations approached up the Thames estuary. Our fighters intercepted and bombing was on a minor scale. As a preliminary to night operations, a dusk attack was made on nine aerodromes in Eastern England and some damage and casualties to Royal Air Force personnel occurred. Day bombing accounted for damage at one gas works in East London and to sewage plant in a southern outer suburb. Night of October 27th/28th. Night operations on the usual scale were carried out principally against London, Coventry and Liverpool. After midnight activity was reduced, though a few single raids were maintained over London area. Our anti-aircraft guns shot down two and possibly three enemy bombers during the night. Mine-laying was carried out off the east coast. Little serious damage has been reported from London area and casualties seem fewer than usual. At Coventry several fires, which were all extinguished by eleven p.m. were caused and Armstrong-Siddeley works were again hit. Damage was also done to General Post 0ffice. At Liverpool damage and casualties were slight. 4./ |