Telegram from London dated 19th October 1940. 1. Naval. During afternoon of October 18th two torpedo boats sent to investigate report of enemy surface craft %sighted three large enemy mine-sweeping trawlers fourteen miles off Dover and attacked with torpedoes. One trawler was hit. Shells fired at Dover yesterday slightly damaged a naval trawler. On evening of October 18th British destroyer attacked an Italian U-boat in Western Mediterranean. It came to the surface and sank after being abandoned by the crew. During evening of October 18th His Majesty's Ship "Cornwall" intercepted southward of Freetown the French ship "Indochinois"(6500 tons) believed to be troop carrying, and ordered her back to Dakar. 2. Royal Air Force. Owing to weather conditions during the night of October 18th/19th most projected operations were canceled but the heavy bombers were sent to attack aluminum works and 19 medium bombers to the "Bismarck" at Hamburg. The heavy bombers have returned but reports /from |