Your Excellency, I have the honour to inform Your Excellency that I have been instructed to make the following communication: to the Imperial Japanese Government on behalf of His % Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom, Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Oealand, and the Union of South Africa. His Majesty's Governments in the United Kingdom, Canada, Commonwealth of Australia, New Oealand, Union of South Africa have followed closely in consultation with the United States Government the negotiations in which the latter have been engaged with the Japanese Government with a view to relieving the present tension in the Far East. His Majesty's Governments viewed with the same concern as the United States Government the rapidly growing concentration of Japanese forces in Indo-China which prompted the enquiry by the United States Government to the Japanese Government on December 2nd. They have found Japanese reply to that enquiry extremely disquieting. However valid the explanations in regard to North Indo-China as to which they expressly reserve their views the reply entirely fails to explain the fact that the bulk of Japanese fordes are stationed in South Indo-China and are being constantly and heavily augmented. There is no threat from any quarter against Indo-China and this concentration in South Indo-China is only explicable on the assumption that the Japanese Government are preparing for some further aggressive move |