DRAFT February 5, 1942 SUGGESTED DRAFT FROM THE PRESIDENT TO MR. CHURCHILL Since you left with me the draft communiqué regarding the islands of St. Pierre-Miquelon, and since your message of January 23, there are increasing signs that a further German movement in the Mediterranean is seriously threatening, that German pressure on France is increasing, and that dangerous developments in that area may occur in the near future. This situation has become so menacing, particularly in the face of certain definite information which has come to us, that we have informed our military and naval people that it is more than likely that we shall not be able to remain much longer in North Africa. They tell us they have also informed your military and naval staffs here In the face of this situation, in which St. Pierre-Miquelon played its part for whatever importance it may have had, I feel that our common purpose would not best be served now by presenting the proposed formula or by further elaborating a new formula of which there would be little or no likelihood of acceptance by Vichy in the present state of |