-56- #669, Eighteenth from London The President declared in his recent message to Congress that power politics were "the misuse of power." I am sure I am sure I can say on behalf of all parties in the House that we are absolutely in agreement with the President. We go further; we define our position with even more precision. We have sacrificed everything in this war. We shall emerge from it for the time being more stricken and impoverished than any other victorious country. The United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth is the only unbroken force, which declared war on Germany of its own free will. We declared war not for any ambition or material advantage but for the sake of our obligation to do our best for Poland against German aggression in which aggression there or elsewhere it must also in fairness be stated our own self-preservation was involved. After the defeat of France in June 1940 for more than a year we were alone. We stood alone; we kept nothing back in blood Effort or treasure from what has now become the common cause of more than 30 nations. We seek no territory; we covet no oilfields; we demand no bases for the forces of the air or of the seas. We are an ancient commonwealth dwelling and wishing to dwell at peace with in our own habitations. We do not set ourselves up in rivalry of bigness or might with any other community in the world. |