OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES WASHINGTON, D.C. 21 March 1944 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT The following notes consist mainly of statements of fact and generalizations about German troop morale, based upon interrogations of P's/W at PWE 326, Aversa, during the period of January 20 to February 20, 1944. Most of the generalizations have, however, been checked with interrogators of long experience. A. VULNERABILITIES 1. Non-Germans. In the past six months, the Wehrmacht seems to have been making increasing use of Volksdeutsche for combat service. The proportion of these troops to Germans varies from unit to unit, from 2 or 3 percent to 20 percent (including Austrians). In descending order of numbers the various nationalities are as follows: Austrians, Alsace-Lorrainers, Poles, Czechs, and Russians. Desertions run high in these groups. 2. Older men and men drawn from previously de- |