- 22 - The establishing of a system of fixed lines of defense within which liberated territory coald be perma- nently protected from enemy ingress. (8) The expulsion of the enemy from all Jugoslav territory. (7) The elimination through absorption, merger, military defeat, and/or annihilation of all enemy Jugoslav factions within the country. (8) The mounting of offensives against the enemy beyond the Jugoslav, Austro-Hungarian frontier after the expulsion of the enemy from Jugoslavia. I pointed out to Tito that these might more properly be described as hopes than plans since, not in a single instance, was he or anybody else in a position to describe today the means by which any of these projects might be accomplished. Tito denied this and said that it could and would be done even though he realized that the means were not clear at the moment nor even, to be quite accurate, remotely in. prospect in the immmediate future. I took this to be one more evidence of the unbounded and often unrealistic optimism and overconfidence which characterize Partisan attitades, it is fair to say, nevertheless, that from my contact with him, I judge Tito to be less susceotible to this type of unrealism than most of his officiers; that he did say that he knew, for the present he would have to depend on a relatively small trickle of supplies which came to |