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       political, economic, and social standards applicable 
       to all non-self-governing territories, whether 
       colonies, protectorates, or trust territories.
          These principles should be formulated in 
       accord with two essential assumptions:   (1) that 
       the welfare of dependent peoples and the develop-
       ment of the resources of dependent territories 
       should be recognized as of proper concern to the 
       international community at large; and (2) that 
       states responsible for the administration of de-
       pendent territories should recognize the principle 
       of some measure of accountability to the inter-
       national community for such administration.
          A Trusteeship Mechanism.--A trusteeship 
       mechanisms should be provided by which the inter-
       national organization would succeed to the rights, 
       titles, and interests of the Principal Allied and 
       Associated Powers, and to the rights and responsi-
       bilities of the League of Nations with respect to 
       the mandates. It should also be given authority 
       over certain territories which may be detached 
       from the present enemy, states, and over any other 
       territories which by agreement may be placed under 
       its control.
          Regional Advisory Commissions.--Regional 
       advisory commissions should be established, wherever 
       practicable, in regions in which dependent terri-
       tories are numerous, to assist the responsible 
       authorities in the discharge of their international 
       accountability for such territories together with 
       their obligation to develop the resources and promote 
       the welfare of these territories and their peoples. 
       The regional advisory commissions should as a general 
       rule have wide membership, including states which 
       hold colonies in a given region, independent states 
       and certain advanced dependent territories in the 
       region, and other states which have major strategic, 
       or economic interests in the region. They should 
       be entitled to call on the general organization and
       on specialized economic or social agencies related 
       to the general international organization for advice 
       and assistance and should make reports available 
       to the general organization and related agencies.
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