- 3 - II Economic Development 1. The economic development of dependent terri- tories should be conducted in a manner which will safeguard and promote the interests of the inhabitants and give due consideration to the interests of the world at large. To this end all authorities responsible for the administration of dependent territories should: (a) Promote rational use of resources, with such diversification of production and distribu- tion as may best serve that purpose; and make available to all peoples without dis- crimination, but with due regard to the rights and interests of the dependent peoples and to the requirements of world security and peace, the resources, products, and economic opportunities of dependent territories; (b) Protect dependent peoples against loss of their lands and occupations; assist them to become progressively competent to manage their own economic affairs, subject only to the requirements of a sound international economy; and aid them to participate on fair terms in world development. 2. The administration authorities in each terri- tories should apply, as far as practicable, the provisions of all generally accepted international agreements wherein principles of equality of commercial treatment, of free- dom of transit and navigation, or of similar practices are affirmed or elaborated. III Social |