-4- 1. The Govenant of the League off Nations should Be terminated as of the date the protocol becomes effective. 2. The continuing functions of the League, with exception of those related to the Permanent Court of International Justice, should be trans- ferred to the new organization, subject to the provisions of the charter of the new interna- tional organization. 3. All archives and records of the League should be transferred to the new organization. 4. All the rights, titles, and interests of the League in property of any kind should be transferred to the new international organiza- tion, subject to the fulfillment of existing obligations and commitments. 5. The protocol should be open for signature by all members of the League. 6. The protocol, after ratification by at least all those states members of the League who would become, initial members of the new organization, should become effective as between the parties at the moment of entry into force of the basic instrument of the new organization. These parties should thereupon. Proceed with the liquidation of the League. The suggestion of such a protocol assumes that in the absence of any provision in the Covenant providing for its own termination, common consent or a general consensus, and not unanimous consent, is adequate to the purpose. It would be desirable, nevertheless, to secure unanimous consent if possible. Every effort to that end should be made. Among the states members of the League but which would not at the outset become members of the Organization are three enemy states, Bulgaria, Finland, and Thailand, and two states not now represented by recognized governments, Albania and Austria, which would |