- 4 - 6- NOT JUSTICE, BUT PARTY REVENGE. So through the complex system of justice described above, and the initiative of the six parties and the silence of the Anglo-Saxon Allies, there is a complete lack of fundamental guarantees of human life and juridical liberty necessary for civil life Italians, no sooner liberated from the Fascist legislation, have been delivered with bound arms and feet to the vengeance of the Socialists, Ccnmuaists and exiled submitting them to the new antifascist laws inspired by hatred. 7 - LIBERTY OF PRESS IS ONLY NOMINAL The Italians are also deprived of liberty of the press and of political organization, and this grave loss has hap?ened without intervention of the Anglo- Saxon Allies. It is enough to look at the way the authority of the six parties influences the press, to arouse an invincible repugnance in every liberal conscience. The extreme timidity of the papers not filocommunists proves, and is known, that they live in a state of secret fear. The principles according to which the Commission of the Press accords and revokes perm'ssions of publication are completely arbitrary. The truth is that (case of Bergamini) those who do not adhere to one Of the six dominating parties, either can manifest their ideas only in an exceptionall limited measure or not at all. The enormous majority of public opinion, which is not communist or socialist, is reduced to silence |