-7-#80, Tenth, Vatican City color, new life and their parents new hope. So successful has this program been that controlled medical studies are being made of the results. American Relief for Italy is being made of the results. American Relief for Italy is mow serving milk and vitamins to more than 20,000 children in more than 200 institutions and is now propsing to expand its programs to each 100,000 young children, this beyond its present commitments for clothing medicines and other articles. These goods which you have so generously contributed are distributed entirely free of charge to most needy persons in Italy regardless of race, creed or political affiliation. UNRRA becomes responsible for the remaining of the field and urges the continued support of American Relief for Italy by the American people. Our efforts will continue. You have said so with millions of pounds of supplies that have arrived in Italy in the past month. The 54 new trucks, gifts of American people, assure the National Committee for distribution here taht they will be able to distribute quickly and economically. As the program of relief advances through Italy, we are sure of your support. America understands human need. I have no doubt that the people of liberated Italy are fully aware of he enormous price in blood and treasure that her liberation has cost and is costing the Allies. No one can now estimate what the relief problem |