-3- experts on the problems of the regions. The secretary- general should be charged with the preparation of memo- randa and reports, with the organization of conferences, and with the administrative functions of the commission. The headquarters of each commission should be located within the region. 5. The regional commissions should have techni- cal research agencies and such other committees, regional offices, conferences, and development agencies as may be found essential for the effective discharge of their responsibilities. 6. The members administering the dependent ter- ritories in the region should, to the extent feasible, include as commissioners, representatives of the peoples native to the region. In the secretariat and auxiliary agencies of the commissions, to the extent consistent with the effective functioning of such bodies, qualified personnel should also be drawn from the peoples native to the region. C. TERMS OF REFERENCE AND AUTHORITY 1. The regional commissions should undertake to encourage and strengthen social and economic coopera- tion within the region. They should stimulate technical research on the problems of the area, develop regional self-help, |